Supportive Life and Academic Coaching

An Academic Success Coach/ Life Coach is the Excel Center’s take on traditional school counseling. The Academic Success Coaches are more than just counselors who schedule students’ courses and develop graduation plans. They are the heart of Palmetto Excel!

Coaches serve as student advocates for any academic support a student may need. They also help support students by helping them overcome barriers to their education. Barriers can be any internal/external factors that may occur and stop the student from reaching their goal of a high school diploma. Some examples of barriers can be, but are not limited to:

  • Academic/Classroom
  • Work/schedule conflicts
  • Housing insecurities
  • Home/environmental
  • Food insecurity
  • Legal

Each Palmetto Excel student is assigned their own Academic Success Coach. The Coaches empower the students by collaboratively developing barrier removal strategies to overcome or work around these barriers, so they are no longer a threat to academic success.

Palmetto Excel Academic Success Coaches

Kahdaijah Williams


Room 159

Patrice Haynes


Room 157C